How to Get Involved - Mississauga Halton Primary Care Network - Due January 31, 2020 |
Thank you to all who were able to come out and participate in the Primary Care Co-Design Session on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. To access the presentation, please click on this link.
Tuesday evening's meeting was a success in helping us agree on the value of a Primary Care Network in Mississauga Halton. Going forward, the next chapter of this organization will serve to bring together primary care providers around a vision to support our community in advocacy and planning, community building, education, and communication.
Tuesday evening's meeting was a success in helping us agree on the value of a Primary Care Network in Mississauga Halton. Going forward, the next chapter of this organization will serve to bring together primary care providers around a vision to support our community in advocacy and planning, community building, education, and communication.
This group will function separately but complementary to the work of the Ontario Health Teams and will operate inclusively so that "no provider will be left behind." It includes family physicians and nurse practitioners, and it is important that everyone, regardless of location, years of practice, or payment model, has a voice in this new organization.
On Tuesday, 13 people formally stepped forward to help in leading this new organization as it gets established. Those leading will meet in December and January to continue building the strategy for the organization, which will be presented as a draft for feedback at the January 28th Community Meeting.
We know that some of you were not able to come on Tuesday but wanted to be involved, so we wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to bring your name forward.
Please answer this 3 question survey to let us know how you would like to be involved in the Mississauga Halton Primary Care Network. We have set a due date of Friday, January 31, 2020 so that you can get the most out of being involved at this early stage.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Bonnie Scott at bonnie.scott@lhins.on.ca (the Mississauga Halton LHIN is providing interim administrative support).
Thank you!
Thank you!