The purpose of this survey is to follow up with those that read the Oregon Heritage Commission's National Survey of Heritage Funding report and/or attended the 2017 Oregon Heritage Summit on heritage funding and participated in conversations about statewide funding efforts. Visit here to review the report again. We would love to hear if any of the conversations spurred action or inquiry.

Please take a few minutes to review the report and fill out the survey below as this information will help us develop future training opportunities, tools, and resources that will hopefully aid all of you in doing great heritage work across the state.

Thank you!

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* 1. Which interest of the heritage field are you associated with? (please check all that apply).

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* 2. Did you attend the 2017 Oregon Heritage Summit on Funding in Newberg on April 26-27?

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* 3. In what ways have you engaged with the Oregon Cultural Trust? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. Please check the boxes below on any steps you have taken regarding the idea of a Heritage District in Oregon. You can learn more about Heritage Districts by visiting pg. 11 of the National Survey of Heritage Funding report.

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* 5. After reading the National Survey of Heritage Funding report and/or attending the Summit, please rank the different funding reports and incentives mentioned with the number 1 ranked item as the one that interests you the most and you would like to see happen here in Oregon. You can review the report here to refresh your memory.

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* 6. At the end of the report there were several "Next Steps" listed that you and your organization could do to garner more support for your organization (see page 25 of the report). Please check the boxes of any of the "Next Steps" that you and/or your organization have done.

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* 7. What workshop topics, training, and resources would you find helpful as it relates to funding heritage?

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* 8. Please mark all that apply as it relates to your involvement/interactions with the Oregon Cultural Trust before and after the Summit and the Report.

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* 9. Do you have any other comments or feedback as it relates to the National Survey of Heritage Funding and Incentive Programs Report or the 2017 Oregon Heritage Summit on Heritage Funding?