Question Title

* Vote on your favorite design!
Step 1: Scroll down to view each design
Step 2: Use the drag and drop tiles below to rank the designs in order of your favorite (1 being the best)
Step 3: Scroll back to the bottom and click "next" to finish the survey and submit your vote

Question Title

Design 1: Life is better with a Pomsky

Design 1: Life is better with a Pomsky

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Design 2: Pomsky Life

Design 2: Pomsky Life

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Design 3: Little Dog. Big Love.

Design 3: Little Dog. Big Love.

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Design 4: World's Best Pomsky Owner

Design 4: World's Best Pomsky Owner

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Design 5: Half Husky. Half Pomeranian. All Pomsky

Design 5: Half Husky. Half Pomeranian. All Pomsky

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Design 6: Proud Pomsky Parent

Design 6: Proud Pomsky Parent