
Please complete the following questions AFTER completion of the training. Your information will be utilized to evaluate the course as an evidence-based intervention in Rhode Island. 

Question Title

* Please enter the first letter of your first name.
For example, if your first name is John, you would enter J:

Question Title

* Please enter the first letter of your last name.
For example, if your last name is Doe, you would enter D:

Question Title

* Please enter the last letter of your first name.
For example, if your first name is John, you would enter N:

Question Title

* Please enter the last letter of your last name.
For example, if your last name is Doe, you would enter E:

Question Title

* Please enter the two-digit day of your birth date (01-31).
For example, if your date of birth is December 18, you would enter 18 or if your date of birth is December 2, you would enter 02:

Question Title

* Date of Training


Question Title

* Please select one answer for each of the following questions.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I understand what is meant by the term "mental health". 
I understand the signs that someone might be struggling with their mental health. 
I know how to approach someone if I have concerns about their mental health. 
I know how to connect someone to additional support or resources if they are struggling with their mental health. 

Question Title

* I feel confident that I can...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Recognize the signs that someone may be struggling with their mental health.
Reach out to someone who may be struggling with their mental health. 
Actively and compassionately listen to someone in distress.
Gather relevant information from someone in distress about their situation. 
Ask a person whether they are considering suicide. 
Offer someone who is distressed information and reassurance about mental health challenges.
Assist a person who may be struggling with their mental health in seeking professional help.
Assist a person who may be struggling with their mental health to connect with community and personal supports. 
Recognize and correct misconceptions about mental health as I encounter them. 

Question Title

* Please select one answer for each of the following questions.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The training was helpful in applying information to real life situations.
The training helped develop my confidence in approaching someone I might be concerned about.
The training was well paced.
The length of the training was sufficient.

Question Title

* What version of the training did you attend?