Consent Text and Survey

Ethical Inclusion of People with Disabilities through Undergraduate Computing Education Project

Before agreeing to participate in this research study, it is important that you read and understand the following explanation of the purpose, benefits, and risks of the study and how it will be conducted. 

Title of Study:  Ethical Inclusion of People with Disabilities through Undergraduate Computing Education

Investigator:  Stephanie Ludi, University of North Texas (UNT) Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Key Personnel: Vicki Hanson, Distinguished Professor and Matt Huenerfauth, Associated Professor, Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, Rochester Institute of Technology

Purpose of the Study: You are being asked to participate in a research project because you are a faculty member at a university that teaches courses on human computer interaction or related topics. This information is provided so that you can decide whether to participate. The purpose of this research project is to study methods for incorporating information about accessibility and ethics into the curriculum of students who are pursuing computing majors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of a website that has been created by the investigators listed above, containing educational and curricular materials.  The investigators listed above are asking if you volunteer to answer a survey about the quality of these website materials.

Study Procedures: Today, you are asked to fill out a survey. If you agree to participate, then please fill out the information requested on this survey.  As part of this survey, you will be asked to view a website created by the investigators listed above.  The website contains educational and curricular materials about human computer interaction, accessibility, ethics, and people with disabilities.  You will be asked to respond to questions about your judgments of the usefulness and quality of the available materials and to suggest feedback about the website.  Your time to participate is not expected to exceed 45 minutes.

Foreseeable Risks: The potential risks in this project are minimal.  Your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw your consent or discontinue your participation in the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits or rights to which you might otherwise be entitled.

Benefits to the Subjects or Others:  There is no direct benefit to you from participating in this study.  However, this research may help to identify educational strategies for accessibility in computing education.

Compensation for Participants: None

Procedures for Maintaining Confidentiality of Research Records: Every attempt will be made by the investigators to maintain all information collected in this study strictly confidential, except as may be required by court order or the law. Your participation in this online survey involves risks to confidentiality similar to a person’s everyday use of the internet.  Authorized representatives of UNT, including members of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), a committee charged with protecting the rights and welfare of research subjects, may be provided access to research records.  If any publication or presentation results from this research, you will not be identified by name. The confidentiality of your individual information will be maintained in any publications or presentations regarding this study.

Questions about the Study: If you have any questions about the study, you may contact Dr. Stephanie Ludi) at

Review for the Protection of Participants: This research study has been reviewed and approved by the UNT Institutional Review Board (IRB).  The UNT IRB can be contacted at (940) 565-4643 with any questions regarding the rights of research subjects.

Research Participants’ Rights:

By completing the survey, you agree to participate in this research project. You can refuse to participate or withdraw from this research project at anytime without penalty.  Your agreement also confirms all of the following:

·      Dr. Ludi has explained the study to you and answered all of your questions.  You have been told the possible benefits and the potential risks and/or discomforts of the study.

·      You understand that you do not have to take part in this study, and your refusal to participate or your decision to withdraw will involve no penalty or loss of rights or benefits.

·      You understand why the study is being conducted and how it will be performed. 

·      You understand your rights as a research participant and you voluntarily consent to participate in this study.

·      You can print out a copy of this document for your records.