The APSE MO Show-Me Disability Inclusion Award honors and recognizes a Missouri business that demonstrates community outreach, accommodation and hiring practices that integrate individuals with disabilities in the workforce.
Nomination Criteria
* Actively recruits candidates with disabilities for open positions.
* Views disability as a component of company diversity efforts.
* Works in partnership with public provider agencies that support people with disabilities.
* Includes employees with disabilities at all levels and in all activities in the workplace.
* Shares the positive experience employment people with disabilities with other members of the business community.

Organizations whose primary mission is to provide direct services to individuals with disabilities are not eligible for this award.

Question Title

* 1. Business Name

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* 2. Business Address

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* 3. Size of Business

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* 4. Business Contact Information

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* 6. Business Phone Number

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* 7. Person Submitting the Nomination Form Information

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* 8. Which of the following best describes the nominee? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. Please provide examples of how these qualities are demonstrated by the company nominated. If you run out of space on this form, please email us your response at