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Survey for Wheeling Restaurant Row Corridor Plan
The Village of Wheeling has begun the process to create a Corridor Plan for Restaurant Row, to enhance connectivity, encourage economic development, and create a vibrant streetscape along Milwaukee Avenue and the western edge of the Des Plaines River. We are in phase 2 of this planning process and encourage you to take this quick survey to help provide the Village and planning team valuable insight into Restaurant Row's strengths and areas for improvement. Look to the
project website
for more information on this corridor plan, the planning process, and other opportunities to get involved!
How many times do you dine or shop on Wheeling's Restaurant Row (Milwaukee Avenue from Lake Cook Road to Palatine Road)?
Every day
About once a week
A few times a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
Other (please specify)
What activities, businesses, recreational amenities, or other improvements would bring you to the corridor more often?
What are the unique strengths of this corridor?
Which initiatives would you like to see within this corridor? (Choose up to three.)
Sidewalk and Streetscape Improvements
Corridor Branding and Wayfinding
New and Improved Open Space
Business Attraction and Retention
Public Events and Programming
Improved Bike and Mobility Options
Improved Access to the Des Plaines River
Public Art and Placemaking
Business Diversification
Any additional thoughts?
What is your zip code?
Thank you for your feedback!
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered