Strategic Planning Survey


Central Texas College provides accessible and quality educational opportunitites that support a diverse student population and promotes student success, completion and employability.
This survey is designed to evaluate CTC's Strategic Plan.  Please give your honest opinion.  Anonymity is assured.

Question Title

* 1.  Which group best identifies you?

  Student Faculty Staff/Administration Community/Other
Please choose one group.

Question Title

* 2.  Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
Student success and completion is the college's core purpose and that purpose is understood throughout the college.
CTC provides a high quality education that supports its diverse student population.
CTC provides a high quality education that promotes student success.
CTC provides a high quality education that promotes employability.
CTC provides a high quality education that supports transferability.

Question Title

* 3.  CTC serves our diverse global community through engaging and innovative education.

Question Title

* 4. In its interaction with communities, CTC fosters: 

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
The highest standards of ethical professional practice.
Accountability and responsibility in the stewardship of public trust and resources.
Belief in the worth and dignity of the individual.
Excellence in all aspects of operations.

Question Title

* 5. Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
CTC provides programs and services that enhance students success and completion.
CTC strives to increase completion rates for certificate and degree seeking students
CTC decreases barriers to student success by enhancing services and processes across all of its campuses.
CTC's Faculty Advise and Students Thrive (FAST) Program, positivly supports student success.
CTC regularly implements initiatives that support the institutions Quality Enhancement Program (QEP).

Question Title

* 6.  Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
CTC has expanded programs and services to students.
CTC regularly evaluates the efficacy and relevancy of current and new instructional programs, delivery methods, and support services.
CTC maximizes utilization of current facilities and resources for course offerings.
CTC effectively manages enrollment.

Question Title

* 7.  Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
Student learning outcomes and program effectiveness are routinely evaluated and continuously improved upon.
CTC strives for a culture of continuous improvement of its operations and services.
Operations, services and processes are routinely evaluated and continuously improved upon.
CTC engages in effective communication across all campuses.
CTC decreases barriers to enrollment.
CTC leverages the use of technology.

Question Title

* 8. Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
CTC expands, improves, and modernizes its infrastructure and physical facilities.
CTC provides enhanced access to network services and capacity.
CTC ensures classrooms are optimal for teaching and learning.
CTC office spaces are conducive to productivity.

Question Title

* 9.  Read the following statements and then rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Please provide any ideas for improvement in the text box:

Strongly Disagree [1] Disagree Agree Strongly Agree [4] I don't know/understand
CTC effectively aligns its resources, structures, and processes to respond to challenges and opportunities in the communities it serves.
CTC strives to increase local and worldwide community engagement.
CTC encourages employees to live the CTC brand.
CTC continues efforts to maintain access and develop availability of programs at locations at a distance
CTC is inclusive and supportive of locations at a distance and provides necessary training to support student services.
CTC seeks new opportunities to offer programs worldwide.
CTC continuously identifies, cultivates, develops, and maintains key constituents.

Question Title

* 10. On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the best, how would you rate CTC in meeting the designed strategic priorities identified in the Strategic Plan. 

Our Strategic Priorities
Priority 1 -  Enhance Student Success
Priority 2-  Expand instructional programs and support services to students
Priority 3 - Continuous assessment and improvement of operations and services
Priority 4 - Modernize, improve, and expand infrastructure and facilities
Priority 5 - Support and serve our community locally and worldwide

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* What can we do to improve?

Question Title

* 11.  On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the best, how would you rate CTC in its continued evaluation and continuous improvement in the areas of teaching, learning, and academics and support services in a way that addresses the workforce and economic needs of its communities. 

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* What can we do to improve?