CalNonprofits is convening a Nonprofit Student Debt Task Force with the goal of expanding awareness of the many changes made to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PLSF) program and its value to California nonprofits.

Members of the Nonprofit Student Debt Task Force will lend their voices and experience to help inform CalNonprofits’ Student Debt Project as we share new information about PSLF and the Biden Administration’s new student debt policies, provide resources for nonprofit organizations to access debt relief programs, and offer timely updates about changes to existing programs.

The task force will meet twice virtually on February 8th and March 6th from 11am-12pm to help guide a comprehensive survey of student debt in California, plan a PSLF Student Debt Webinar, and advise on a Student Debt PSLF Toolkit for employees and employers. 

The application process will be open from now until January 24th, and space on the task force is limited. Applicants must be current members of CalNonprofits; if you are unsure about your membership status, please contact

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* 1. Organization Name:

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* 2. First Name, Last Name:

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* 3. Contact Information:

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* 4. Size of nonprofit staff:

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* 6. What is your relationship to student debt (check all that apply):

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* 7. Does your organization participate as a PSLF provider?

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* 8. What is your experience with the PSLF process?

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* 9. What else should we know about you or your organization’s relationship to student debt?

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* 10. Why do you want to join the Student Debt Task Force?

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* 11. Can you commit to attending the two virtual meeting times?