Murraylands Gymnastics Academy: Support for new facility build

Intro + details

As part of the Murraylands Gymnastics Academy's growth, sustainability and survival plans, we are working towards a major purpose-built gymnastics training facility here in the Murraylands (based in Murray Bridge). With this, we are in the process of trying to finalise a major grant application worth $1.5M of federal funding.

A summary of the project includes:
- Our first ever MGA owned-site
- To be located at the Murray Bridge Showgrounds sport and rec precinct
- Large enough for 7-day training facility and competitions
- Able to cater for up to 1000 x members

Right now - we need to gain a further insight into our community's thoughts/aspirations/needs for the projects - and with this we are hoping you can all fill out the survey below.

(*Please note, that while it's great if you can add your name in - you do not need to provide this*).
4.Understanding that the MGA values and celebrates diversity, do you and/or your child identify as any of the following? (*Please tick all relevant boxes)(Required.)
5.Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?(Required.)
6.What's you involvement in the MGA?(Required.)
7.If you are the parent/guardian of current/past/future gymnastics, how old are your children? (please choose as many as are relevant)
8.If you are the parent/guardian of current/past/future gymnasts - how many children have you had participate in the MGA programs?
9.If you participate in gymnastics do you / your child have any physical limitations, disabilities or other health issues? (*Please select all that are relevant)(Required.)
10.What MGA programs have you/your child participated in? (*Please tick all boxes that are relevant)(Required.)
11.Why did you sign up (or sign your child up) to gymnastics? (please tick all that are relevant)(Required.)
12.What have you found to be the most positive part of joining the MGA? (Please check all boxes that are relevant)(Required.)
13.What are the features of the MGA that you believe support women and girls? (*Please tick all relevant boxes)(Required.)
14.What do you believe would make the MGA better for you / your child / the community? (*Please choose all that are relevant)(Required.)
15.What would your top 5 features be for a new MGA facility? (*Please check all that are relevant)(Required.)
16.If we were to build a new/larger custom gymnastics facility - how could you help us?(Required.)
17.How have you been impacted by the 2023 gymnastics shed flooding, and subsequent changes to venue/classes? (*Please tick all relevant boxes)(Required.)
18.If the new facility is built in 2025-2027, I am committed to (*please tick all relevant boxes):(Required.)
19.The idea of having a new purpose-built MGA facility that is owned and operated by the club makes me feel (*please tick all that relevant):(Required.)
20.As we move towards trying to build our new MGA facility - do you have a message for our committee/coaches/project leaders?