Intro + details
As part of the Murraylands Gymnastics Academy's growth, sustainability and survival plans, we are working towards a major purpose-built gymnastics training facility here in the Murraylands (based in Murray Bridge). With this, we are in the process of trying to finalise a major grant application worth $1.5M of federal funding.
A summary of the project includes:
- Our first ever MGA owned-site
- To be located at the Murray Bridge Showgrounds sport and rec precinct
- Large enough for 7-day training facility and competitions
- Able to cater for up to 1000 x members
Right now - we need to gain a further insight into our community's thoughts/aspirations/needs for the projects - and with this we are hoping you can all fill out the survey below.
(*Please note, that while it's great if you can add your name in - you do not need to provide this*).