Who writes the best fixed-income commentary--and what makes it great!

Please help me identify the firms that consistently write the best fixed-income commentary. Then, let's figure out what makes that commentary great. I'll share the results on my blog.

Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. Who writes the best fixed-income commentary? Please pick one answer from the list that people have suggested to me or suggest a new name. If you suggest a name, it'd be great if you could link to it online so I identify the right firm on my blog.

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* 2. What makes your choice great?

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* 3. In general, what makes fixed-income commentary great?

  1 Most important 2 3 Neither important nor unimportant 4 5 Not at all important
Different perspective
Fundamental analysis that's good
Predictions that are accurate
Technical analysis that's good
Writing that is clear and easy to understand
Writing that is distinctive and colorful

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* 4. How, if at all, does great fixed-income commentary differ from great commentary about stocks or other asset classes?

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* 5. Optional: Add any additional comments or suggestions.