Measuring the Relation Between General Motivational Tendencies and Academic Performance |
Participants Consent Form
University of St. Thomas – Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent to Participate in Research
You are being asked to participate in the research project described below. Your participation in this study is voluntary; you may refuse to participate, or you may decide to stop your participation at any time.
Should you refuse to participate or withdraw your consent and stop participating in the study, your decision will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you may be entitled otherwise.
Please read the information below carefully and ask questions about anything you do not understand before deciding whether to participate.
STUDY TITLE: Measuring the Relation Between General Motivational Tendencies and Academic Performance
RESEARCHER(S): Lizbeth Martinez and Kimberley Lopez
FACULTY ADVISOR: Dr. Crystal D. Tran
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: This study aims to examine the relationship between general motivational tendencies such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors with one's academic performance. Being able to measure motivational tendencies can allow future interpretation of academic performance and identify positive contributions to personal growth.
PROCEDURES FOR PARTICIPANTS: You would independently complete a questionnaire which will be accessible through an online platform, Survey Monkey, allowing you to engage in the questionnaire on your own time and at your own desired pace. You will first be provided with an Informed Consent Form; after consent is obtained, you will obtain access to the study. You will then provide information regarding your demographics and GPA (grade point average). After the completion of the demographic section, a validated scale measuring general motivational tendencies and academic performance will be presented. After completing the survey, you would be able to click submit. If you attend the University of St. Thomas and are enrolled in a psychology class you will be offered 1/9th (0.5 credit hours) of a letter grade for completing the survey.
EXPECTED DURATION OF PARTICIPATION: Approximately 10-15 minutes.