MedStar Family Choice Find a Provider Website Survey Question Title * 1. Have you used the Find a Provider function of the MedStar Family Choice website before? Yes No Question Title * 2. If you have used the Find a Provider website before, what type of provider information were you looking for? Primary Care Provider/Family Doctor Specialist Hospital Pharmacy Prompt Care/Urgent Care Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How did you search for the provider? By Specialty By Location By Name By Gender By Group Name or Hospital Affiliation Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How easy or difficult was your provider search? Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Question Title * 5. Did the search give you the expected results? Yes No If no, please explain any difficulties or issues you are having with the Find a Provider search. We want to assist you with any issues, so please provide as much detail as possible. You may call Member Services at 888-404-9549 if you need immediate or additional assistance with finding a provider. Question Title * 6. Is there anything that would help make the search easier? Question Title * 7. Do you think there is enough information in each provider (doctor) profile? Yes No If answered "No", what information would you like to see in the provider (doctor) profiles? Question Title * 8. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Find A Provider website? Yes No If you answered "Yes," please give examples. Question Title * 9. Please rate how easy the "Size of the Text" is to read. Very Difficult Difficult Neutral Easy Very Easy Question Title * 10. Please rate how easy it was to find provider information in Espanol (Spanish). Very Difficult Difficult Neutral Easy Very Easy Question Title * 11. As you were reviewing the website, was the text (content) written in such a way that was easy to understand? Yes No If you answered "No", please explain why Question Title * 12. Please rate the overall look of the MedStar Family Choice website. Poor Fair Good Excellent Thank you for completing this survey. MedStar Family Choice values your feedback, and appreciates your participation! Done