Clarity Locums - Feedback Survey
First and foremost, we hope that you are keeping safe during these times. Can you tell us what affected you the most since the pandemic started?
What's your experience in relation to health safety in pharmacies?
Very good! All the pharmacies that I was working at recently were taking maximum precautions to keep their staff and customers safe.
Okay. Most of them were taking measures and some were a bit more relaxed.
Not bad, but I have a feeling that more could've been done to keep staff and customers safe.
Just horrible! I felt so unsafe working in some stores.
If your answer is any of the last three, could you tell us which pharmacies could have done a better job in regards to safety measures?
What would you consider the biggest blocker when it comes to booking more locums with Clarity locums?
Current market rates
Not enough booking details
Sign up procedure (Garda vetting, reference check, uploading documents and information to the account)
Unsupportive staff (in Clarity locums)
None of the above, I am happy with the service!
Other (please specify)
What would encourage you to book more locums with Clarity locums?
Higher rates
To know staffing levels on the day of the booking
More locum options near me
Quicker payment
I am already working as much as I can.
None of the above (please specify)
Would you consider a rate of pay main motivator for booking locums?
Yes, always.
Not necessary. I take travel distance into consideration too.
Not necessary (other reasons, please specify)
Do you find our website and application easy to use?
Yes! Very easy!
It's okay.
No, it is not easy to use at all. (please specify what do you think we should change)
If there was one feature you would change or add to our website or app what would it be?
Do you feel that you were given enough support from Clarity throughout the last three months?
Yes. Everyone was really helpful!
Not so much. (Please specify what do you think we could've done differently.)
Could you rate from 1 to 5 your experience so far with Clarity locums team
The worst!
1 star
Not good at all...
2 stars
3 stars
Very good
4 stars
5 stars
Please describe your experience in greater detail or let us know what do you think we should work on!
Finally, can you give any feedback as to how we could improve our service to locums?
Please, leave your email address to participate in the draw for a 50 euro one for all voucher.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered