Question Title

* 1. Do you think the State Government is managing the economy well?

Question Title

* 2. Do you think the Opposition is a viable option to the current government?

Question Title

* 3. Do you think Tasmania's state MPs should be given a pay rise?

Question Title

* 4. Do you support the move to restore the size of the Lower House of State Parliament to 35 members?

Question Title

* 5. Are you planning to vote for an independent candidate rather than one of the established parties at the next State Election?

Question Title

* 6. Do you support tougher penalties - including jail terms - for protesters who obstruct business operations?

Question Title

* 7. Do you think the Rockliff Government is open and transparent?

Question Title

* 8. Do you think limits should be placed on foreign business investment in Tasmania?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have faith in our state and federal political leadership?

Question Title

* 10. Do you think senior public servants and state government consultants get paid too much in Tasmania?

Question Title

* 11. Which Tasmanian politician (state or federal) do you admire the most?

Question Title

* 12. Do you think as a nation we are heading in the right direction?

Question Title

* 13. Should a seat in state and federal  parliaments be reserved for representatives of  Indigenous communities?

Question Title

* 14. Do you think commercial developments should be permitted inside Tasmania’s National Parks?

Question Title

* 15. Do you think Tasmania is in danger of welcoming more tourists than it can cope with?

Question Title

* 16. Do you think more funding should be made available for the arts?

Question Title

* 17. What is your overall feeling about the state of politics in Tasmania at the end of 2023?

Question Title

* 18. Do you think mandatory mask wearing inside should be reintroduced during Covid outbreaks?

Question Title

* 19. Do you feel Tasmania's health system is ready for Covid outbreaks?

Traffic congestion

Question Title

* 20. Do  you think enough is being done to reduce traffic congestion in Hobart?

Question Title

* 21. Do you support the construction of a fifth lane on the Southern Outlet?

Question Title

* 22. Has your commute time increased over the last few years?

Question Title

* 23. Do you support the expansion of a River Derwent ferry service?

Question Title

* 24. Should public transport be made free of charge to get cars off the road?

Question Title

* 25. Should there be more cycling and pedestrian infrastructure?

Question Title

* 26. Do you have any ideas on how to improve traffic congestion in Hobart?

City of Hobart

Question Title

* 27. Do you support the University of Tasmania’s move into the Hobart CBD?

Question Title

* 28. Should there be laws to rule out a cable car on Mt Wellington?

Question Title

* 29. Do you think strict height restrictions should be maintained on CBD developments?

Question Title

* 30. Do you think a multipurpose stadium should be built at Macquarie Point?

Question Title

* 31. If a stadium is built, do you prefer Mac Point 1 government plan or Mac Point 2.0 plan at the Regatta site proposed by the Stadia Consortia  led by Dean Coleman?


Question Title

* 32. Do you support salmon farming in Tasmania?

Question Title

* 33. Do you believe the monitoring of the impacts of salmon farms is adequate?

Question Title

* 34. Do you buy and consume Tasmanian-grown salmon?


Question Title

* 35. Have you found it difficult to find a place to rent?

Question Title

* 36. Do you think the growth of short-stay accommodation is affecting the rental market?

Question Title

* 37. Should further limits be placed on short-stay accommodation?

Question Title

* 38. Would you be happy to have temporary emergency accommodation built in your suburb?

Question Title

* 39. Should foreign investors be barred from buying homes in Tasmania?

Question Title

* 40. Do you have any thoughts on how to improve housing availability in Hobart?

Wealth and work

Question Title

* 41. Are you happy with your job?

Question Title

* 42. Are you actively looking for another job?

Question Title

* 43. Do you feel you work more or fewer hours than you did five years ago?

Question Title

* 44. If you have a mortgage, how has your spending been affected with rising interest rates?

Question Title

* 45. Have cost of living increases affected your lifestyle?

Question Title

* 46. Would you be able to get your hands on $2000 to pay an unexpected expense (such as a car repair) within a week if you needed to?

Question Title

* 47. How has your family budget been affected by cost of living increases?

Question Title

* 48. Should the rate of the Newstart allowance be raised?

Health and wellbeing

Question Title

* 49. Would you describe yourself as being healthy?

Question Title

* 50. Are you happy with the way the Tasmanian health system is being managed?

Question Title

* 51. Should Tasmania rationalise the number of hospitals in the state?

Question Title

* 52. If a hospital was closed, which should it be?

Question Title

* 53. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve access to healthcare for Tasmanians?


Question Title

* 54. Are you happy that Tasmania has been granted an AFL licence?

Question Title

* 55. Would you buy a membership for the Tasmanian AFL team?

Question Title

* 56. Do you support the greyhound and horse racing industry?

Question Title

* 57. Do you support the JackJumpers in the NBL?

Question Title

* 58. What is your favourite sport?

Question Title

* 59. Has the government given enough attention to sport over the last year?

Crime and justice

Question Title

* 60. What do you think of the sentences handed down in criminal matters?

Question Title

* 61. Are you worried about the level of crime in your community?

Question Title

* 62. Do you think the state is doing enough to improve the safety of children?

Question Title

* 63. Do you think the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's responses to child sexual abuse in institutional settings was handled well or does more need to be done to address the ongoing issues that were highlighted by this investigation?

Question Title

* 64. Do you think more needs to be done to address the escalating incidence of domestic violence in Tasmania?

Question Title

* 65. Do you feel safe walking the streets after dark?

Question Title

* 66. Have you been affected by data hacks in the past year?

Question Title

* 67. Should governments, banks and other large organisations be spending more to prevent data breaches and scams? 


Question Title

* 68. Are you happy with the performance of your local council?

Question Title

* 69. Do you think there is enough transparency around council decisions?

Question Title

* 70. Do you support council mergers?

Question Title

* 71. Would you describe yourself as happy?

Question Title

* 72. Are you optimistic about the future?

Question Title

* 73. Do you feel you could rely on your neighbours to help if you needed it?

Question Title

* 74. Would you prefer to live in Tasmania or elsewhere?

Question Title

* 75. Do you think increasing Tasmania's population will be beneficial?

Question Title

* 76. Do you think inequality is increasing in Tasmanian society?


Question Title

* 77. Should Tasmanian teachers be paid more?

Question Title

* 78. Do you think young people today have the same opportunities to find stable and well-paid employment as older generations?

Question Title

* 79. What should be done to improve Tasmania's literacy and numeracy rates?

The environment

Question Title

* 80. Are you worried about climate change?

Question Title

* 81. Are governments doing enough to combat climate change?


Question Title

* 82. Do you support moves to establish the Marinus Link?

Question Title

* 83. Do you support moves to bring back the Thylacine?

Question Title

* 84. Do you support King Charles  and the monarchy?

Question Title

* 85. Do you think it is time for Australia to become a republic?

Question Title

* 86. Which is Tasmania’s top town?

Question Title

* 87. Complete the following sentence: "As Tasmanian as ...."

Question Title

* 88. Story tips: If you have a story you think we should cover over the summer tell us below.