Men's Ministry Survey

On September 19, Cross City Church will launch a new series of men’s meetings, called “Man to Man.” We’ll meet every week during the Fall in Room 188 at 6am on Tuesdays. “Man to Man” will be about men and for men. We plan a 15-minute teaching time, led by Pastor John Meador, followed by 30 minutes of table time with other men. We’ll end at 7am sharp. A podcast of the meeting subject will also be available for others to hear or review.  
You can help in 3 ways:
1. Pray about being a part of “Man to Man.” Arrange your schedule to attend.
2. Invite another man or two to attend with you.  
3. Answer this brief survey helping us identify the key subjects we’ll focus on.

Thank you!
1.What are the biggest challenges men face today in our society?
2.What is the most difficult thing you’ve learned about dating or marriage relationships?
3.What are your greatest concerns for the younger generation of men?
4.What has helped you survive or thrive as a Christian man?
5.What should older men help younger men learn to do?