Question Title

* 1. Nominated Employee:

Question Title

* 2. Kudos Category:

Question Title

* 3. Reason/Description for Kudos:

Question Title

* 4. Submitted by:

Question Title

* 5. Today's Date:

By submitting this form, you understand and agree that:
  1. MEMS reserves the right to screen Kudos submissions and exclude any that do not fall within the guidelines.
  2. You are authorizing MEMS to post your Kudos submission text on the company intranet, Teams channels, email, and/or any other company medium, for recognition purposes. 
  3. From time to time, program administrators may need to summarize or make minor changes to the Reason/Description provided. (e.g. removing confidential information). In the event a change is made, every effort will be made to maintain the original meaning of the message.