The Association of African Universities (AAU) identified a gap in the area of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in African institutions and is - in collaboration with African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) - running a series of Workshops to train participants in the area of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. The workshop will empower institutions to develop systems for data collection and compilation to assist in decision making.

The registration fee is $500 per participant.

The registration fee covers Training cost, Lunch, Teas, Water, Certificates and Training Materials. Participants will cover their costs of air travel or transportation, accommodation and related allowances.

Please register before 10th March, 2019, to allow time for visa applications if you need travel visa to get to Uganda.

Question Title

* 1. Title/Titre

Question Title

* 2. Surname/Nom

Question Title

* 3. Other Names/Prénoms

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* 4. Gender/Sexe

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* 5. What is your job title/Poste

Question Title

* 6. Highest Academic Qualifications/Votre plus haut diplôme

Question Title

* 7. Name of Institution/Nom de l’Institution

Question Title

* 8. City/Ville

Question Title

* 9. Country/Pays

Question Title

* 10. Telephone Number (with City Code where applicable)/No. de tel. (avec le préfixe s’il y lieu)

Question Title

* 11. Email Address/Adresse email

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* 12. What are your expectations from the training? Quelles sont vos attentes face à cette formation ?

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* 13. Do you need assistance identifying accommodation in Kampala? Avez-vous besoin d’assistance pour obtenir un hébergement ?

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* 14. How will you fund your participation in this workshop? Comment financerez-vous votre participation à cet atelier ?

Question Title

* 15. Are you aware that the Tuition Fee for this Workshop excludes travel, accommodation and upkeep? We will provide lunches, teas, water, certificates and workshop materials/ Savez-vous que les frais de Formation pour cet atelier n’incluent pas les frais de déplacement, d'hébergement et d'entretien? Nous fournirons le déjeuner, les pauses-café, l'eau, un certificat et du matériel d'atelier

Registration fees should be paid in full by transferring the registration fee to the bank account no / Les frais d'inscription doivent être payés intégralement par transfert au compte bancaire:

Name of Bank:            STANDARD CHARTERED BANK HIGH STREET BRANCH                                   ACCRA-GHANA
Account Number:       8700 202 448803
Swift Code:                SCBLGHAC US
Correspondent bank:   SCB New York
Swift Code:                SCBLUS33
ABA#:                        026002561 

Account Name:                  CVC/AAU
Bank:                                   ACCESS BANK PLG
                                             PPPRA BRANCH, ABUJA
                                             PLOT 1012, CADASTRAL ZONE
                                             CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, FCT ABUJA
Account Number:            0730902405 

Account Name:                CVC/AAU
Bank:                                  ACCESS BANK PLG
                                             PPPRA BRANCH, ABUJA
                                             PLOT 1012, CADASTRAL ZONE
                                             CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, FCT ABUJA
Account Number:          0731023358

Question Title

* 16. How did you get to know of these workshops? (Select more than one avenue if it applies in your case) / Comment avez-vous eu connaissance de ces ateliers? (Sélectionnez plus d'une voie, le cas échéant)