This survey is being sent to all past HMS MEDscience participants. The questions are intended to help us understand how the MEDscience experience shaped your continued personal development, education and career choices. We intend to survey participants at regular intervals.

The information you provide will be placed in our secure questionnaire database. From the data we collect, we will then attempt to describe, in general, how former students of our curriculum have proceeded with their education and career choices. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and as such, we do not provide compensation for participation in our questionnaire. We collect, analyze, and showcase the outcome of this program in various formats. These outcomes are shared with the public, the Harvard Medical School community, our funding agencies, researchers who study our program outcomes, and other interested parties who support our program. Any distribution of survey results will not contain personally identifiable information about participants. If you would like to discontinue your participation, or not answer any of the questions in the survey, you may do so at any time. 

This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation.