Candidate Nomination Form

The ACT Board of Directors is a prestigious group of TDM professionals, volunteering their time and energy to serve as ACT's governing body.  We are seeking board nominees that have a vision of the future of TDM and believe the Association for Commuter Transportation can shape this future. Board Members will help ACT have a positive impact on public policy and build a strong and diverse community of TDM professionals.

The board meets regularly (4 in-person and 4 virtual) during the year to provide strategic direction for the organization. In-person meetings are tentatively scheduled for Feb. 6 (Anaheim), late April (TBD), Aug. 1 (Denver), early Nov (TBD).

The Board of Directors includes four officers and twelve (12) at-large directors, in addition to the Immediate Past President. 

ACT encourages nominations from a diverse mix of members and sectors to ensure that our organization's leadership is reflective of our community.  

All candidates for Director positions, must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
       - Be a continuous member of the association in good standing prior to June 1
       - Sign and submit the association’s Conflict of Interest statement

Directors are expected to attend each meeting, participate in at least one board committee, attend ACT events, assist with membership recruitment, and promote ACT as the premier association for TDM professionals. 
To submit your nomination, please complete the following Candidate Qualification Statement.  All nominations must be received by July 14, 2023 (11:59pm est).  Please review ACT's Bylaws and Policies & Procedures, which include detailed information on ACT's nomination and elections process, in advance of nominating yourself.

Nominations are open for the following positions:
Director (6 positions): two-year term expiring December 31, 2025
Nomination Form

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 4. For what position are you nominating yourself? (select one)

Question Title

* 5. ACT’s Board conducts important work through both permanent and ad hoc committees of the Board.  All Board members are expected to participate in at least one committee and may be called upon to provide committee leadership. If elected to the Board of Directors, what committee(s) would you have interest in serving on? (Rank your choices from 1-7)

The following information will appear on the ballot exactly as entered.  ACT will not edit for grammar, typos, or other content.

Question Title

* 6. Provide a one sentence headline/bio for your nomination (please keep response to less than 200 characters - Survey Monkey will not prevent more than 200 characters from being entered, so please type in a separate document to count characters before entering response as the official ballot will only allow a 200 character entry.  If you have more than 200 characters, your headline/bio may get cut off mid-sentence.  You may use the 500 word statement to provide more detail).

Question Title

* 7. Please include a Personal Statement (200-500 words) to be shared with all members that should include:
  • Specific contributions you have made to ACT (Board, Chapter, Council, Committee, public policy work, event planning, etc.)
  • Reasons for wanting to serve on the Board in the capacity being nominated
  • What you hope to accomplish by serving on the Board and selected committees in the capacity being nominated
  • How you will represent ACT's diverse mix of individuals, organizations, and sectors 
  • Any other experiences that will foster success (board member of another organization, organizational leadership, certification/training, etc.)

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Please upload a standard headshot for use in emails and candidates book.  Non-standard headshots may need to be cropped to size.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 9. Please review, sign, and upload ACT's Conflict of Interest Policy. Failure to submit this form prior to July 14, will disqualify your nomination. Please confirm your forms receipt by ACT.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
To help us ensure that a diversity of our membership is interested in serving in the leadership of the organization, please provide responses to the following questions.  This information will only be used for internal metrics and will not appear on the ballot.

Question Title

* 10. How do you identify?

Question Title

* 11. How would you describe yourself?  (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. Please confirm the following: