We want to know how young people in Saltash would like to see their town developed over the next 15 years. The Saltash Neighbourhood Plan will allow us to control how land is used for housing, businesses, shops and leisure. It can also protect green spaces and influence the design of buildings and estates. We need your views on what should go in the Plan, not just the views of adults. You will be the new young adults of Saltash in a few years’ time. Please look over the questions below, think about what you want Saltash to be like as you go through school and start life as a young adult, perhaps in the local job market. Then please give your replies to the questions. 

NOTE: The survey saves automatically. Also you can part fill in the form and return to it at anytime to finish or amend your response providing you return via the same computer. Only one questionnaire from any one computer is allowed. If more than one person in a household wants to make a return, you can access the survey via a laptop or mobile smartphone. Alternatively you can email us and ask for paper copies to fill in and return: info@plan4saltash.co.uk

Question Title

* 1. What is your current school year? (Please tick one box)

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* 2. Do you consider that you belong to a distinct ‘neighbourhood’ in Saltash? Please tick one box

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* 3. If yes, what is the usual name for your neighbourhood?

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* 4. What would make your neighbourhood a better place to live? (e.g. shops, parks, clubs, sports grounds, lighting, safety, cycle paths, public transport)

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* 5. What do you like most about Saltash?

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* 6. What do you like least about Saltash?

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* 7. Which of these facilities in Saltash do you visit regularly?

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* 8. What other facilities would you like in Saltash?

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* 9. What types of jobs would you like to have available in Saltash?

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* 10. Please let us have any other comments or suggestions you may have:

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* 11. Gender