Welcome to GPAC's Comprehensive Survey

Every two years, the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council (GPAC) surveys the region’s artists and arts organization staff to learn about their challenges, needs, interests, and aspirations.

Thank you for taking 15-20 minutes today to complete and submit this survey by July 3, 2018. The results will help us all grow an ever more thriving arts and culture community, to track trends and build programs. Our goal is to hear from many perspectives, so please share this survey with fellow arts organization staff.

Your survey responses will remain confidential. They will be aggregated with others' responses, even if you share your info with GPAC at the end of the survey to become eligible for our drawing for three free admissions to GPAC workshops.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and recommendations.

P.S. Red starred (*) questions require at least a partial answer.

Question Title

* 1. Is your organization a member of GPAC?