Customer Satisfaction Survey Template 2021 Question Title * 1. When did you last receive a product or service (e.g. loan or counseling session) from Justine PETERSEN? 0-3 months ago 4-6 months ago 7-9 months ago 10-12 months ago 12+ months ago OK Question Title * 2. When did you first start working with Justine PETERSEN? In the last 12 months Between 1-2 years ago Between 3-5 years ago Between 5-10 years ago More than 10 years ago OK Question Title * 3. If you interacted with Justine PETERSEN staff, how flexible would you say staff were? Very flexible Somewhat flexible Neutral Somewhat inflexible Very inflexible OK Question Title * 4. If you interacted with Justine PETERSEN staff, how respectful would you say staff were? Very respectful Somewhat respectful Neutral Somewhat disrespectful Very disrespectful OK Question Title * 5. Please describe your experience with the JP staff person ( or persons) who you interacted with. OK Question Title * 6. Which Justine PETERSEN products or services have you used? Please check all that apply. Credit Building Counseling Personal Loan Credit Building/Save2Build Loan Small Business Loan Homebuyer Education and Counseling Foreclosure Intervention Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. If you received more than one service from JP. which service felt most useful to you and why? OK Question Title * 8. Are there any positive changes/improvement after you received services from JP? Yes No OK Question Title * 9. How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague? NOT AT ALL LIKELY EXTREMELY LIKELY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OK Question Title * 10. Has your quality of life changed because of Justine PETERSEN's products or services? Very Much Improved Slightly Improved No Change Got Slightly Worse Got Much Worse Please explain your answer. OK Question Title * 11. Have you experienced any challenges with accessing or using Justine PETERSEN's products or services? If so, what were they? OK Question Title * 12. Is there anything Justine PETERSEN could offer that would better meet your needs? OK Question Title * 13. Do you have access to a computer with audio/video capabilities? Yes No OK Question Title * 14. Would you be interested in and comfortable with video services through a platform such as Zoom or FaceTime given the option? Yes No OK Question Title * 15. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ OK Question Title * 16. Please identify your race. White or Caucasian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian or Asian American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Another race OK Question Title * 17. Please identify your ethnicity. Hispanic Origin Not Hispanic Origin OK Question Title * 18. Please identify your gender. Male Female Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 19. What is your zip code? OK Question Title * 20. Please estimate your annual income: $0-$15,000 $15,001-$40,000 $40,001+ OK DONE