Registration to the April 27th Drone Use Cases and Challenges Workshop in Bern

Registration to the Workshop in Bern organised by Innovation Booster Robotics

1.What is your first name? (Required.)
2.What is your last name? (Required.)
3.What is your company/organisation/institution?(Required.)
4.What is your position?(Required.)
5.What is your e-mail address?(Required.)
6.You attend the event as a member of the following sector(Required.)
7.Please describe your needs/challenges/problems in the area of drones that you wish to further explore. This will help the facilitators of the ideation workshop to understand what challenges you are interested in. (Required.)
8.Do you need any special assistance to get to the event?
9.If you are a participant with children, let us know if you need any assistance to help you make it to the event.