Local Manufactured Goods Expansion, Range and Capability

Improving available locally manufactured goods

1.Please provide your Company Name:
2.Your offices located in:
[ Please select all that apply. ]
3.Do you currently manufacture goods in NT, Australia, please indicate:
[ Please select all that apply. ]
4.Company Industry - General
[ Please select all that apply. ]
5.Would you like to be contacted with more information on International Trade (Import or Export)?
6.Where are the challenges or barriers to help grow a sustainable business?
7.Business Cost Changes - Please indicate those that have changed and by home much via drop down menu
This Year
Next Year
Business insurance
Property lease & maintenance
Equipment & Repairs
Utilities - Electricity
Consumables - Raw materials
Company vehicles
8.Please indicate workforce needs:
[ Please select all that apply. ]
9.Types of workforce:
10.To increase your business capacity and capability, what do you feel you need most?
[ Please select all that apply. ]
11.If your business is currently manufacturing or is planning to manufacture goods, please indicate:
[ Please select all that apply. ]
12.Does your organisation need help or improvements in preparing a business case (plan)?
[ Please select at least one answer. ]
13.Any other comments about trade you would like the Chamber of Commerce NT to know:
Thank you for your time and contributions to our survey.