What's Your Reproductive Health Personality? Question Title * 1. When faced with a health decision, you usually: Research thoroughly and from different sources before making a choice. Trust your instincts and go with the flow. Seek advice from trusted sources. Weigh all the options and plan ahead. Question Title * 2. Your go-to method for staying informed about reproductive health is: Reading articles and scientific studies. Talking with friends, family, or loved ones. Following expert advice on social media. Using apps or tools that track and provide information. Question Title * 3. When it comes to talking about reproductive health, you: Prefer to keep it private unless necessary. Are open and share your experiences. Encourage others to seek out reliable information. Ensure you have all the facts before discussing. Question Title * 4. How do you feel about using technology to manage your health? I love using apps to stay informed and organized. I use it when I need it, but I’m not reliant on it. I rely on tech for reliable, up-to-date information on my health status. I use tech as part of a well-rounded approach. Question Title * 5. What’s most important to you when making health decisions? Accurate, detailed information. Support from friends or a community. Professional advice and guidance. Having a plan that covers all possibilities. Done