Thank you for taking several minutes to complete this survey.  We welcome your feedback in helping us to continue to offer you the best network products as well as services.  We appreciate and value you and your business.

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with your experience with Encore Health Network?

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* 2. Which of the following words would you use to describe our products? Select all that apply.

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* 3. How would you rate the provider access of our networks for referrals?

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* 4. How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns?

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* 5. How satisfied are you with our network operations claims repricing?

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* 6. How satisfied are you with our customer service?

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* 7. How friendly is the Encore staff when contacting the network?

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* 8. How knowledgeable is the Encore staff when contacting the network?

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* 9. How satisfied are you with our website?

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* 10. How user friendly is the provider search directory?

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* 11. Besides the provider search function, what else do you access on our website?

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* 12. How satisfied are you with your Provider Relations Representative?

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* 15. Have you ever consulted the provider manual during your day-to-day operations when using an Encore network product?

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* 16. Do you have any other comments, questions, suggestions or concerns?

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* 17. Please check mark where you have seen an Encore Health Network ad or post?

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* 18. How do you like to receive information about Encore Health Network?

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* 19. Are you aware of the philanthropic efforts Encore has with the Shepherd Community Center and the Boys and Girls Club of Evansville, IN?

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* 20. Name (Optional)

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* 21. Practice Name/Facility Name (Optional)

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* 22. Email (Optional)