BD Networking Group Assignment Survey

If you are interested in joining WLALA’s business development accountability networking group, please complete the following survey before January 31, 2024.  We anticipate matching attorneys with up to two to three other attorneys from different practice areas, firm sizes, and experience levels to engage in small group business development brainstorming, planning, and accountability sessions.  We hope you will join us.
1.Please indicate your full name:
2.Please indicate your email address:
3.What is your primary practice area/subject? Select no more than three:
4.Which side do you primarily represent?
Please Choose One
5.How many years have you been in practice? Select one:
6.Is your employer:
7.How would you describe your current level of business development?
8.What are your goals from a business development accountability group?
9.What part of town do you live and/or work in?