As MSMA prepares for the 2024 legislative session, it is instructive for us to survey the membership for opinions on a variety of topics that may (or may not) require our input.  Please take the time to complete the following survey.  Doing so will give us direction heading into next year.  Please read each question carefully and add any personal comments in the box following the question.

Please answer the following demographic questions:

Question Title

* 1. Specialty

Question Title

* 2. Age

Question Title

* 3. Zip Code

Following are statements that may relate to various issues in Jefferson City.  For each, please indicate if how strongly you agree with the statement. 5 - Strongly Agree to 1 - Strongly Disagree

Question Title

* 5. The state government should be able to require physicians to provide specific clinical information and scientific data to patients prior to providing certain health care services or procedures.

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* 6. Medical bills and explanation of benefits are overly confusing and should be easier to understand for patients.

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* 7. The state should provide additional funding for research on the impact of cannabis use on health outcomes.

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* 8. Covenants-not-to-compete hinder access to healthcare by removing physicians from the workforce following a change in employment.

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* 9. Dentists should be allowed to administer immunizations.

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* 10. Physicians and office staff spend too much time on prior authorization denials and chasing reimbursement; something needs to be done to streamline these processes.

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* 11. Considering how rapidly technology is advancing, it’s okay for patients to complete an online questionnaire about their symptoms and receive treatment (a prescription) without a face-to-face visit with a physician or other health professional.

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* 12. Red flag laws should be considered as a way to reduce mental health-related gun injuries and deaths.

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* 13. It’s okay for pharmacists to test for flu, COVID, and strep and to dispense prescription medicines based on the results of those tests.

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* 14. Emergency departments should be overseen by an emergency physician rather than another healthcare professional.

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* 15. Patient care would suffer without strong collaborative practice laws between physicians and other healthcare professionals.

Question Title

* 16. People who assault healthcare professionals in the workplace should face stiffer penalties than those that commit ordinary assault.

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* 17. Medical specialty titles and designations should be used only by physicians (e.g., “surgeon”, “anesthesiologist”, “pediatrician”).

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* 18. Advancing tort reform issues (damages, statute of limitations, etc.) should remain a top priority of physicians.

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* 19. Pharmacists should be allowed to give all FDA approved vaccines, including those that may be approved in the future.

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* 20.  Physicians who are currently undergoing treatment from a physician health program should be able to answer “no” to questions about mental illness on credentialing and licensure applications.

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* 21. Non-physicians should not be allowed to use of the title “Doctor” in clinical settings or advertisements.

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* 22. The state should increase MO HealthNet reimbursement for physicians, even if it means fewer people will be added to the program.

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* 23. There is no longer a need for the 75-mile limitation on physician/nurse collaborative teams.

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* 24. The state’s current caps on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases should not apply if the legislature believes the negligent act is especially offensive (unlimited damages).

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* 25. Physician autonomy and preserving the sanctity of the physician-patient relationship is under threat and should be protected at all costs.

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* 26. The state should avoid implementing universal background checks for firearm purchases.

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* 27. The process of renewing required licenses from state agencies (Board of Healing Arts, BNDD, etc.) should be synced, if possible, and done no more often than once every three years.

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* 28. The state should have a definition of surgery, and non-physicians should be prohibited from performing it.

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* 29. The state legislature should examine other ways that might reduce malpractice premiums besides capping damage awards, such as a statewide healthcare stabilization fund.

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* 30. The state should spend more money on making physician independent practice more attractive, particularly in rural communities.

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* 31. If a hospital is in-network, then all the physicians providing care there should be in-network.

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* 32. It is okay to take a stance on a controversial partisan issue, even though doing so might decrease your influence on other not-as-divisive topics which are of similar importance to physicians.

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* 33. I rely more on my state specialty society for physician advocacy than MSMA.

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* 34. In my opinion, fighting scope-of-practice “creep” is the most important issue MSMA works on at the Capitol.

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* 35. I believe my hospital-employer is generally representing my professional interests in Jefferson City.

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* 36. MSMA should spend political capital on issues that are politically viable (either in favor or opposed), rather than those that have no chance of passing.

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* 37. I am optimistic about new technologies such as artificial intelligence and how they might impact my patients and practice.

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* 38. I consider state advocacy to be the top benefit of MSMA membership.

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* 39. It is important to me that MSMA and my state specialty society work together to advance physician interests.

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* 40. I believe that the MSMA Legislative Report is required reading during the legislative session.

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* 41. I think MSMA membership provides a good return on investment.

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* 42. Please rank the following issues in the order you feel MSMA should prioritize them:

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* 43. Other issues MSMA should prioritize: