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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What age bracket do you fit into?

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* 3. Which degree(s) are you currently pursuing?

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* 7. How many years of your degree have you completed?

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* 10. What were your top two reasons for pursuing a graduate degree?

For Q10-Q18, please refer to your most significant job/internship experience.

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* 12. For which type of organization did you work during your most significant job/internship?

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* 13. What was the name of the organization? (Optional)

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* 14. Please continue to refer to the most significant job/internship experience you specified above.

  What did you value most about the job or internship? (Check up to three) In your experience at that job or internship, what was most lacking? (Check up to three)
Springboard to future opportunities
Corporate culture and people
Creativity, innovation or entrepreneurship
Intellectual rigor/challenge
Sense of meaning/purpose
Work/life balance
Flexible working hours

Question Title

* 15. Please allocate 100 points across the following options to indicate which of these sources provided you with the greatest sense of meaning or purpose at this job or internship. Allocate more points to sources that provide you with greater meaning, with 0 = “I get no meaning from this” and 100 = “All sense of meaning comes from this.”

My sense of meaning/purpose comes from my ability to positively impact:

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* 16. In what way did your job or internship provide you with the source of meaning or purpose you indicated above?

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* 17. Please allocate 100 points across the following options to reflect how this job or internship empowered you to achieve impact.

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* 18. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about your former job/internship.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
It enabled me to achieve more impact than I would have elsewhere.
It enabled me to develop new skills faster than I would have had elsewhere.
I had more opportunities to work on challenging problems that matter to me at my past job than I would have elsewhere.
It inspired and enabled me to pursue my passions.
My experiences in this role helped me grow professionally.
My experiences in this role helped me grow personally.

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* 19. How has this job or internship experience impacted your ability to achieve your personal and professional goals?

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* 20. Do you have career plans post graduation?

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* 21. In thinking about your post-graduate school plans, in which 1-3 industries do you most want to work? (If you already have a career plan for after graduate school, select that industry)

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* 22. In thinking about your post-graduate school plans, for what type of organization do you most want to work? (If you already have a career plan for after graduate school, select that organization type)

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* 23. For which 1-3 companies or organizations do you most want to work, or will you work?

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* 24. What about these companies/organizations inspires you or appeals to you most?

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* 25. What motivates/inspires you in your professional life?