
Thank you for participating in this survey. Your insights are crucial for understanding the priorities, challenges, and opportunities municipal utilities face in adopting digital technologies.

In the context of this survey, digital technologies refer to tools and solutions that leverage data, automation, and connectivity to improve operations, enhance decision-making, and address challenges like aging infrastructure, workforce gaps, regulatory compliance, and environmental sustainability. Digital technologies can support municipalities in areas such as:

- Managing aging infrastructure through better asset management
- Supporting workforce development with tools like 3D simulations
- Protecting systems against cyber threats
- Automating routine tasks like billing and regulatory reporting
- Enhancing productivity and lowering costs
- Optimizing operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Your responses will remain confidential and used solely for research purposes. The survey will take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete. As a participant, you will receive a summary of the findings, which can help you understand how your municipality’s digital journey compares to others.

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* 1. What is your primary role in the municipality?

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* 2. What is the size of your municipality?

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* 3. Does your municipality have a master plan in place? By "master plan," we mean a strategic document that guides your municipality's long-term goals and initiatives, including plans for infrastructure, workforce development, and technology adoption.

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* 4. Does your master plan include the adoption of digital technologies in any of the following areas? (Select all that apply):

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* 5. How does your municipality currently implement digital solutions or services?

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* 6. What hesitations, if any, do you have about adopting digital technologies?

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* 7. Rank your top priorities for deploying or already using digital technologies:

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* 8. What time horizon do you foresee for widespread digital adoption across the municipal sector in the following areas?

  0-2 3-5 6-10 10+
Asset Management
Knowledge capture and skills training
Cyber security
Simplifying work processes
Business productivity tools
Environmental safeguards and lowering operational cost
Data management
Emergency management

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* 9. What digital emerging technologies are you most interested in for the future of your utility?

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* 10. Please provide your companies' location