What perceived barriers deter people from small Island populations who identify as “male”, from accessing psychological therapies? |
Please read the following information before answering any questions in this questionnaire.
Participation in this research is voluntary. Your completion of this questionnaire indicates your consent to participate in this research.
What is the purpose of this research?
The Community Wellbeing Service (CWS) offers a range of talking therapies around the Isle of Man (IOM) as a service with in the mental health service. Members of the public self-refer to the CWS via an online self-referral form. We are aware that on the Isle of Man and across the world people who identify as "male" are less likely to access support for their mental health. As our population on the island continues to grow and diversify, we want to ensure our service is accessible to all. In order to do this, we are aiming to identify what influences/reduces people who identify as male accessing our services. In doing so, we hope to improve the service we offer to accommodate our population’s diversity.
In order to assess what barriers deter people who identify as male's decisions, we are asking this population to answer our short questionnaire. Once the data collection has been complete, we can analyse the data to identify what, if any, barriers influence people accessing talking therapy. Furthermore, we can suggest service improvements based on this information with the aim of improving the CWS service and increasing the diversity of the CWS service users.
What are the possible benefits/ disadvantages of taking part?
There will be no clear benefit to you from your participation in this research. There are no costs associated with participating in this research project, nor will you be paid.
Due to the topic of this questionnaire, the nature of this subject may be distressing for some. As the responses to the questionnaire will be reviewed periodically over a number of months, please do not use this questionnaire to seek support of this nature. If you feel you require support for you mental health you may wish to access one of the following services:
If you are currently in crisis please contact the Crisis Response and Home Treatment Team on: +44 1624 642860
If you are not in crisis but would find it useful to talk to someone you can contact the Samaritans on: 116 123
The Counselling and Therapies Team offers a range of brief interventions that aim to enable individuals to manage their wellbeing more effectively. For more information visit:
www.gov.im/self-referralCWS or +441624 642540
If you feel that you need to review your care (or medication) you can Contact your GP for an appointment.
What if I withdraw from this research project?
At no point throughout this research project will any personal or identifiable information be collected form you. As a result, if you submit you survey and then wish to withdraw there is no way for the researchers to identify your response. It would like to withdraw before submitting your survey you are free to do so.
At no point throughout this research project will any personal or identifiable information be collected form you. As a result, if you submit you survey and then wish to withdraw there is no way for the researchers to identify your response. It would like to withdraw before submitting your survey you are free to do so.
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Isle of Man Research Ethics Board.