Sharing your insights in this study will help a faith-based organization strengthen the impact of its mission and program in our world. You can complete the survey in about 15 minutes. Thanks in advance for your participation; be assured it will make a difference! 

Please answer each of the following questions and offer comments as you desire. When finished, please click "Done." All responses are anonymous. 
Thank you!

Question Title

1. How important is it to support organizations that work to relieve human suffering?

Question Title

2. I currently engage in the following ways to help relieve human suffering.

Please choose ALL that apply to you.

Question Title

3. To what extent do each of the following statements reflect you?

I believe it is important to. . .

  Describes me a lot Describes me a little Does not describe me
attend church services regularly
care for creation
support causes in my local community
support international relief and development programs
donate money to causes important to me
tithe to my church
share the gospel with others
live simply or with less
advocate for the marginalized and oppressed

Question Title

4. When you think of local, national and global needs, what actions are the most important in order to improve lives and have a positive impact?

A response to this question is required and you may select up to five answers below.

Question Title

5. How would you divide $10 among needs in your local community, needs within your home country, and needs of people in other countries (total should equal $10)?

Question Title

6. How well do the following organizations align with your values?

  Aligns well  Somewhat aligns Does not align  Not applicable/don't know
Christian Aid Ministries
World Vision
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS)
Samaritan's Purse
Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA)
Salvation Army
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)

Question Title

7. When organizations communicate with you, what is your preferred method?

  Strongly prefer Somewhat prefer Do not prefer
Print pieces
Phone calls
Personal notes
Through my local church
Social media

Question Title

8. For financial donations to organizations, do you prefer to give to a general fund (where needed most) or to designate your gift?

The questions on this page relate to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC U.S.). Please continue to respond, even if you are not familiar with MCC. If you prefer not to respond further, please scroll to #21 to complete the survey and then click "Done."  

Question Title

9. I support the work of MCC. (Support may include volunteering, participating in activities and events, making charitable gifts, offering prayer, and more.)

Question Title

10. How effectively does MCC fulfill its mission as a "worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches that shares God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice"?

Question Title

11. How important are the following elements of the mission statement shared in the question above?

  Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Very unimportant
Have Anabaptist orientation
Promote peace and justice
Serve "in the name of Christ"
Work with and through churches
Share God's love and compassion for all
Respond to basic human needs

Question Title

12. What motivates you to support MCC?

  Definitely yes Somewhat yes Somewhat no Definitely no
Works closely with local partners
Uses my money wisely to make an impact
Provides international relief and assistance
Holds values that align with mine
Commits itself to peacebuilding
Increases access to education
Offers U.S. programs that address racial justice, the criminal justice system, peace education and immigration
Addresses root causes of injustice
Supports medical clinics and health training
Takes steps to address the impact of climate change on vulnerable people
Provides food security and sustainable agricultural solutions

Question Title

13. Are there barriers or concerns that prevent you from engaging with or supporting MCC? If so, please explain.

Question Title

14. How effectively does MCC communicate with you?

Question Title

15. How often do you want MCC to communicate with you (via your preferred method/s)?

Question Title

16. What are the preferred ways you want to interact with MCC?

  Preferred Acceptable Not preferred
Participating in a webinar or podcast
Hearing via my church
Using MCC learning resources (e.g., Kits of Caring, Peaceful Practices)
Viewing social media posts and videos
Visiting website
Reading printed periodicals from MCC
Receiving email from MCC

Question Title

17. How have you partnered with MCC in the last three years? If you have not partnered with MCC, please go to #18.

Select all that apply.

Question Title

18. What best describes your anticipated level of engagement with MCC during the next five years?

Question Title

19. How likely are you to donate money to MCC in the future?

Question Title

20. How likely are you to consider including a charitable gift for MCC in your will or estate plan?

Hearing diverse perspectives is important to MCC. The final survey questions will help the researchers know if this study reflects a diversity of voices.  

Thank you for responding to these questions. All answers are anonymous.

Question Title

21. What is your age?

Question Title

22. What is your gender?

Question Title

24. Please identify the group/s that best describe/s you.

Question Title

25. How do you characterize your political views?

Question Title

26. Which of the following best describes your annual household income before taxes (including all members of your household)?

Question Title

27. Which of the following best describes your church association?

Question Title

28. Which of the following best describes your church attendance?

  Weekly in person Weekly online Monthly in person or online Occasionally in person or online Do not attend
Prior to COVID-19 pandemic 

Question Title

29. What other comments do you wish to share--stories, suggestions, affirmations, concerns?

Question Title

30. Finished! Thank you for participating in this important study. Scroll down to submit your responses by clicking "Done."

Are you interested in further involvement in this research project? In the next phase, we will talk directly with people about MCC. If you are available to participate in a personal interview or focus group, please share your name and contact information. 

(Note: Providing the information below will break the anonymity of this survey; however, your answers will be held in confidence and your responses will not be linked to your name.)

Again, thank you for participating in this study. Please click "Done" to submit your responses. Be reminded that all responses are anonymous and IP addresses will not be tracked.