1. Ascent Group, Inc. Field Services Survey

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The Ascent Group is conducting research to better understand how utilities are optimizing practices and utilizing technology to improve Field Service efficiency and effectiveness while reducing operating costs.

Our research is looking at field service organizations that perform any task related to service on/offs, field investigations, and non-routine meter readings. These activities could be performed by company or contractor personnel.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Kozlosky at ckk@ascentgroup.com

For more information about our company, please visit www.ascentgroup.com.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Briefly describe your Field Service Organization.

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* 3. What type of orders are worked by field service employees? (re-reads, check-reads, on/off orders, cut/reconnect orders, field investigations, high usage, leak investigations...)

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* 4. Please indicate all types of orders worked by your field service organization