Thank you for your interest in membership with the Public Lands Alliance. All new membership applications must be reviewed and approved. Once we receive your application and support materials, we will notify you of your approval.

To be eligible for membership with Public Lands Alliance, your nonprofit organization must have:
  • A mission that seeks to preserve our public lands and enrich those who use them
  • A formal agreement with one or more public lands agencies (or are in the process of obtaining)
  • A letter of determination stating that the organization is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or an explanation that you are in the process of obtaining 501 (c)(3) status).
If you are joining Public Lands Alliance for the first time, you must provide us with verification of both your agreement with a public land agency and IRS designation.
PLEASE NOTE: we absolutely want to engage as many organizations as possible during this difficult time, and we also recognize that finances are a big stress for everyone right now, so once you've filled out the application, PLA will follow up and offer payment plan options if needed.

Question Title

* Membership Category

Question Title

* Primary Contact

Question Title

* Organization Information

Question Title

* Mission Statement

Question Title

* Incorporation Information:

Question Title

* Please List the Public Lands Sites You Serve

Question Title

* Agency Partners (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* Organizational Revenue Sources (check all that apply)

Question Title

* Organizational Impact Programs (check all that apply)

Question Title

* If you operate a retail outlet, would you like to participate in the Reciprocal Discount Program?

Question Title

* Organization Stakeholders: (If not applicable, type N/A. If zero, type 0)