
This form is for the submission of initial funding inquiries to the Mockingbird Foundation, the first step in our two-tiered funding process. Please read the Foundation's funding guidelines (www.mbird.org/grants/apply) in their entirety before completing this form.

During this stage, only inquiries submitted through this form will be considered. Inquires and materials sent via any other means will not be considered. Please do not send supplementary materials - by email, postal mail, or any other means - and do not add us to your mailing list(s).

You will be contacted via email only if your project is selected for further consideration, at which point you will be invited to submit a full and formal proposal. While we will attempt to acknowledge receipt of your inquiry regardless of whether you are invited to submit a full proposal, that is not likely to happen prior to January 15th, when inquiries close.

Full proposals, if invited, would be invited early Spring and due mid- to late-April. Funding, if granted, will not happen until receipt of a completed grant agreement, which would not be sent until at least 6/15/25.

Lastly, please note that line breaks and paragraph breaks will be lost, multiple paragraphs will become a single paragraph, and any attempt to create columns will produce a mess.