The Commission is seeking input from consumers, carers, clinicians, service providers and other stakeholders in the aged care sector to inform the development of Phase 1 of the national baseline report on Quality Use of Medicines and Medicine Safety. The Commission is consulting with all stakeholders around Australia in August and September 2020.

This survey should be completed after reading the discussion paper for public consultation on Quality Use of Medicines and Medicines Safety (10th National Health Priority).

You will be asked four key questions in relation to each topic in the discussion paper. The topics are polypharmacy, inappropriate use of antipsychotics and transitions of care. 

If you have any questions about this survey or the discussion paper please contact Steve Waller, Senior Project Officer at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your name, the name of your hospital or organisation (in the company field) and your work email address. We ask for your work email address instead of private contact details for privacy reasons.

Some people such as consumers or carers may need to provide personal information. In this instance, all personal information is held securely. The Commission treats all personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act) and the Commission’s Privacy Policy. The Commission does not disclose personal information to other organisations unless it is required to do so under the Australian law or tribunal/court order. The Commission’s Privacy Policy is available from the Commission’s website at

Inappropriate polypharmacy

Question Title

* 2. With the aim to reduce inappropriate polypharmacy in residential aged care facilities, what is considered best practice in 2020? What works and should be done more? What doesn't work and should be done less?

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* 3. With the aim to reduce inappropriate polypharmacy in residential aged care facilities, what are the system-wide challenges that need to be addressed?

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* 4. With the aim to reduce inappropriate polypharmacy in residential aged care facilities, what are the gaps in current processes that inhibit achieving positive patient outcomes / best practice?

Question Title

* 5. With the aim to reduce inappropriate polypharmacy in residential aged care facilities, how should we monitor progress towards quality and safe use of medicines in hospital patients taking five or more medicines per day, who are residents in aged care facilities?

Inappropriate use of antipsychotics

Question Title

* 6. With the aim to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing of antipsychotics in residential aged care facilities, what is considered best practice in 2020? What works and should be done more? What doesn't and should be done less?

Question Title

* 7. With the aim to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing of antipsychotics in residential aged care facilities, what are the system-wide challenges that need to be addressed?

Question Title

* 8. With the aim to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing of antipsychotics in residential aged care facilities, what are the gaps in current processes that inhibit achieving positive patient outcomes / best practice?

Question Title

* 9. With the aim to reduce potentially inappropriate prescribing of antipsychotics in residential aged care facilities, how should we monitor progress towards the exchange of quality use of medicines in older people with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia?

Transitions of care

Question Title

* 10. With the aim of improving quality and safe use of medicines through transitions of care to and from residential aged care facilities, what is considered best practice in 2020? What works and should be done more? What doesn't work and should be done less?

Question Title

* 11. With the aim of improving quality and safe use of medicines through transitions of care to and from residential aged care facilities, what are the system-wide challenges that need to be addressed?

Question Title

* 12. With the aim of improving quality and safe use of medicines through transitions of care to and from residential aged care facilities, what are the gaps in current processes that inhibit achieving positive patient outcomes / best practice?

Question Title

* 13. With the aim of improving quality and safe use of medicines through transitions of care to and from residential aged care facilities, how should we monitor progress towards the exchange of quality use of medicines and medication safety information at transitions of care?

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* 14. Do you have any further comments or feedback?