Internship Exit Survey- (Cooperating Teacher)

1.The guidelines for the Cooperating Teacher in the Internship Handbook were easy to understand and well organized.
2.The expectations and responsibilities of a Cooperating Teacher were clearly addressed in the handbook, and communicated by the University Supervisor and Internship Coordinator.
3.Your Intern's  University Supervisor was helpful when answering questions associated with the internship process.
4.Communication from the University Supervisor was consistent throughout the internship process.
5.The grading procedures for the evaluation forms you completed were clear.
6.The University Supervisor and/or Internship Coordinator was (were) available to talk via email, telephone, or in person throughout the internship process.
7.What was a positive aspect of being a Cooperating Teacher during this internship process?
8.What could the university do to enhance this mentoring process for the intern?
9.What could the university do to enhance this mentoring process for a Cooperating Teacher?
10.Please provide any suggestions you have concerning the mentoring process.
11.I would be willing to mentor a Regent intern again in the near future. If not, why?
12.Survey Completer (Your Name)
13.Your School Division/Name of Your School