LAGS Optimal Meeting Day and Time Survey

Optimal Meeting Time

When the La Crosse Area Genealogical Society meets at the Onalaska Library, it costs the Society $25 to rent the meeting room but we can meet up to 7:45pm. When we meet at the La Crosse Public Library, it is free but we have to end by 6:45pm. If you attend meetings, or would like to but can't because of the day/time, please fill out this survey. Our meetings have been the 4th Tuesday of each of the following months: February-June; September-November.
1.Which day of the week is most convenient for you to attend meetings?
2.What times of day are you generally available for meetings? Select all that apply.
3.How often would you prefer to have meetings?
4.Do you have any specific days or times that you absolutely cannot attend meetings or that create hardships? Tell us when those are!
5.Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding meeting times?
6.Meeting Place
7.Meeting Place - Other; if you selected "Other," then tell us where and the cost, keeping in mind we need use of microphones, projection screens, AV equipment, and venue capacity