Lamar Parks and Recreation Survey

We Need Your Input!

Thank you for your enthusiasm in assisting with the Lamar Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update!

Below, you'll find seven questions regarding the existing parks system in Lamar. Please answer these questions honestly and in as much detail as you can. This survey will take about five (5) minutes to complete.

Your responses will be used to help inform future decisions made to Lamar's parks. It is critical that we gain as much insight from community members like you to ensure that the future of the parks matches the needs of the community!
1.Which park in Lamar do you use the most? What do you like best and least about this park?
2.Where do you typically go for recreation programs? Does the facility meet your needs? If not, why?
3.What do young people do in the community? Where do they typically go for fun?
4.What do seniors do in the community? Where do they typically go for fun?
5.What program/activity is missing in Lamar?
6.Do you feel safe at City of Lamar Parks and Recreation Facilities? Why or why not?
7.Is there anything else you would like us to know about the existing parks system in Lamar?
8.What is your age range?
This question is optional, but helps us understand our audience.
Thank you for taking the time to share your input!