Question Title

* Your Information

Please answer the following questions

Question Title

* Why do you want to become a MAVA DEI trainer?

Question Title

* Describe your previous experience and skill level as a DEI speaker and/or trainer. You may also include a link to a recording of a DEI training or presentation you have facilitated.

Question Title

* Describe your experience in leading volunteers (where, how long, etc.).

Question Title

* Do you have previous experience facilitating training in-person and/or virtually?

Question Title

* Have you led interactive DEI trainings for employees and volunteers?

Question Title

* Do you have experience working with people of varied racial, cultural, economic, educational and religious backgrounds?

Question Title

* Are you comfortable discussing, training and advocating for racial equity?

Question Title

* Are you willing to participate in a train-the-trainer session?

Question Title

* Are you willing to participate in periodic trainer coaching sessions?

Question Title

* Are you able to commit to leading a minimum of five presentations over the next year?

Question Title

* Are you able to do some travel throughout Minnesota, including Greater Minnesota, to present workshops?

Please provide two professional references who can speak to your DEI training facilitation experience. A reference request will be sent to the email provided. Please tell your references to expect this email.

Question Title

* Reference 1

Question Title

* Reference 2

Question Title

* Please upload your resume.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Trainer Commitment Agreement

As a trainer for MAVA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) trainings, I pledge to fulfill my commitment and utilize the MAVA training materials according to the following terms:
  • I agree to complete a MAVA-sponsored train-the-trainer workshop.
  • I agree to continue to build my training skills by participating in periodic trainer coaching sessions.
  • I agree to commit to leading a minimum of five presentations over the next year.
  • I agree to submit trainer reimbursement forms and other paperwork to MAVA following training sessions.
  • I agree to utilize the MAVA training materials according to the following User/Participant Terms of Use Agreement:
The training materials are the property of the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA). You may use MAVA materials only for instructional purposes in your role as a MAVA DEI trainer. No part of materials may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of MAVA. You may not utilize materials for your own personal monetary gain. 

When acting as a trainer for MAVA, you may reproduce handouts and PowerPoint presentations from the training for use during trainings offered by MAVA. You may also develop additional trainer notes or handouts based on these modules. 

By entering my name and date below, I am electronically signing the MAVA DEI trainer application and agreeing to fulfill all requirements of MAVA's DEI trainings and trainers.  I understand that the training materials are the property of MAVA. I have also answered the application questions fully and truthfully, and I give MAVA permission to contact my references.

Question Title

* Full Name

Question Title

* Please enter the date.
