Dear Madam,
This letter is to introduce Matthew Harland, an Honours student at Flinders University. He is undertaking research with me, leading to the production of a thesis, concerning cognitive and relational factors of eating behaviour.
He would be most grateful if you would volunteer some time to assist in this project by completing the following questionnaire that asks about a number of aspects of eating behaviours such as family relationships, emotions, and awareness of surroundings including your particular style of processing information. There are also some more general questions about you as a person. We estimate that no more than 20-25 minutes of your time is required.
Be assured that any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and no participant will be individually identifiable in the resulting thesis or other publication. You are entirely free to discontinue participation at any time or decline to answer individual questions.
Any enquiries you may have concerning this project can be directed to me via the address, telephone number or e-mail given below. This research project has been approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee. The Executive Officer of this Committee can be contacted on 8201 3116 or by e-mail (
If completion of this questionnaire raises any specific health concerns for you we recommend that you contact your General Practitioner, Lifeline (131114), or Beyondblue (1300 224 636).
Thank you for your attention and assistance.
Yours sincerely,
A/Prof. Malcolm Bond
College of Medicine and Public Health
Level 3, Health Sciences Building
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
Tel: +61 8 7221 8503