Subject Choice for both S1 & S2 2025

Refer to Course Guide for more information and PDF timetable link
  • You will be selecting your subjects for both semesters in 2025.
  • All students can select from the available subjects and can choose to take either 1, 2, 3 or 4 subjects depending on your capacity /preference.
  • The number of subjects you take per semester may affect your final end date and you need to be aware of your progress within the 6 year maximum time you have to complete the MASB.
  • New students must take Entrepreneurial Finance in their first semester
  • Capstone may only be taken in the final semester of degree unless approved by Program Convenor.

Delivery of subject is outlined on the PDF timetable. Please also choose your preferred method of delivery for the subjects delivered on Fri/Sat/Sun: ONLINE or ONCAMPUS
  • Once chosen, this will be your primary delivery mode for this semester. This assists us in supporting your progress through the course.
  • You may change delivery mode choice semester by semester, as we know that circumstances can often change as your studies continue.
  • Please note that course content, including all assessment tasks, is the same, regardless of the delivery mode you choose.
1.First Name
3.Student Number (optional)

Semester 1

Semester 2

Entrepreneurial Finance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Leadership in the Creative Industries
Enterprise and Innovation
Managing Growth and Technology
Screen Media Marketing
Screen Media Project Development
Screen Media Project Development
Capstone Project
Capstone Project
International Screen Media Policy & Finance

Entrepreneurial Leaderships
4.Semester 1 Subject Selection
5.Semester 1 Delivery Method : Online or On Campus
6.Semester 2 Subject Selection
7.Semester 2 Delivery Method : Online or On Campus
8.DECLARATION:  I agree that the information provided is true and correct.(Required.)
Thank you for completing.

You will be enrolled in these subjects in February and you will then see them updated on the Paradigm Student Portal.

If you have any questions please contact Student Centre.

Australian Film Television & Radio School
P + 61 2 9805 6444
E studentinfo@aftrs.edu.au