1. Board Self-Assessment Survey Indicators

Periodic board self assessments can be a very helpful way for boards to evaluate their performance and to determine those areas which need attention. The benefits of board self assessments include:
• Board accountability
• Open communication among board members
• Insight into decision making
• Improvement of board professionalism
• Clear understanding of roles and responsibilities
• Identification of strengths and weaknesses
• Effective and productive goal setting

For each question below, please answer it for your board using the following definition of the answer choices.

1. Unsatisfactory - Most of the board members do not perform or ensure that factors within this question are done.

2. Needs Improvement - Only a few board members perform or ensure the factors within this question are done occasionally.

3. Satisfactory - Most board members perform or ensure most of the factors within this question are done some of the time.

4. Good - All board members perform or ensure all factors within this question are done most of the time.

5. Excellent - All board members perform or ensure all factors within this question are always done.
6. Don't Know

Please keep in mind while selecting the appropriate answers, to base your responses on the past 12-month period. This will help to ensure that no single event/decision will skew your results overall.

For optimal results when filling out the Board Self-Assessment Survey, we suggest the use of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for your internet browser.