We are seeking additional content to add to the GHIAA MAPGuideR. We accept both complete agreements and extracts of agreement sections most relevant for the MAPGuide. You may redact and anonymise the content that you contribute for confidentiality purposes.

We ask that you provide contact information so that we can communicate with you about your contribution. Your contact information will remain confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Your company/organization

Question Title

* 4. Are you submitting this agreement/provision for attributed or anonymized publication?

Question Title

* 5. Agreement parties: if you are submitting content for attributed publication, please provide the names of the parties to the agreement.

Question Title

* 6. Agreement date: please enter the execution year (yyyy)

Question Title

* 7. Partner type: please select the types of organization that are party to this agreement

Question Title

* 8. Technology type: please select the product types covered by the agreement

Question Title

* 9. Agreement type: please select the most appropriate option(s)

Question Title

* 10. Additional information: please add any comments about the agreement/provision that you think would be helpful for users of the MAPGuide (e.g., it is a novel solution to a specific issue)

Question Title

* 11. Please upload your agreement or provision(s) as a pdf or doc/docx file. If you are submitting multiple excerpts or provisions from a single agreement, you may include up to 10 attachments.
Please ensure that any commercially sensitive information that cannot be published in the MAPGuide has been redacted before submitting your document.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

Question Title

* 12. I confirm that I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Question Title

* 13. I confirm that I have redacted and anonymised all relevant sensitive information in this document.