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Submit a letter of interest and attachments, which include:
Describe the organization’s current commitment to scaling microlending to BIPOC entrepreneurs. Explain the decisions or organizational factors that have limited your organization’s volume of microlending to date. (500 words max)
A brief discussion, from your perspective, of the challenges that have kept your organization from growing its microlending volume.
A discussion of the geographic and demographic markets served by your CDFI, including BIPOC representation in the current small and microbusiness portfolio.
Audit reports for the last two fiscal years.
Volume of relief originations in 2020.
Current loan/credit policy manual.
Bios of the board of directors and executive team (if not included on the website).
Contact information for two people who can speak to your organization's impact and leadership team's experience.
Feel free to share a document that includes links to relevant information on your organization’s website, such as bios for your organization’s board of directors and leadership team, audited financials, etc.Additional upload fields are provided below, if needed.