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SEIU Local 99 MAOF Bargaining Survey
Full Contract Negotiations with MAOF will begin in October. The first step to winning a strong contract is by identifying the needs and priorities of SEIU Local 99 members. Take a few minutes to make your voice heard by filling out this bargaining survey. The information collected in this survey is crucial to understanding what you, as a MAOF worker, is facing right now and will be used to help the SEIU Local 99 Negotiating Team set priorities as we enter negotiations. We need to hear from you and as many of your coworkers as possible both in this survey & as we demand from MAOF better working conditions and benefits! Member leaders and union organizers will follow up with next steps and ways to involve you in winning the strongest possible contract!
To participate in this survey you must meet the following criteria:
1. Be an active dues-paying member of SEIU Local 99 in good standing OR sign-up for membership online at**
2. Provide required identifying information below
3. Take the survey and submit your responses to the team.
**Membership status of all survey respondents will be verified. Non-members' data will not be considered.**