Action for Good lives
Over 400 Learning Disability England Members and partners came together to create the Good Lives Manifesto and share it with local candidates. We want to know more about the actions you took and responses you got.

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* 1. Tell us about yourself. Im a...

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* 2. If you are a member through an organisation please tell us which organisation

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* 3. What did you do with the Good Lives Manifesto before the General Election?
You can tick any you did

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* 4. Did you get a reply or feedback from anyone you contacted?

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* 5. Who is your MP now?

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* 6. Would you be open to writing to them about Good Lives in policy now they have been elected?

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* 7. Would you be open to meeting your MP to talk about Good Lives?

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* 8. Anything else you want to tell us?

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* 9. If you are happy for us to contact you, please leave your email address

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