Hotspot Borrowing Program
MBLC (Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners)
Thank you in advance for your feedback on our hotspot program. We look forward to reviewing your anonymous answers so that we can improve our offering for the community.
How do you usually access the Internet
At home (through Internet service purchased by your household)
At the library
At a friend or family member's home
At a business providing free access (like a coffee shop)
At school
At work
At another public place (community center, etc.)
I do not access the Internet regularly
Other (please specify)
Please indicate if you used the library WiFi hotspot to perform any of the following activities
Found health or medical information/telehealth appointment
Looked for/applied to a job or job training
Purchased products or services
Read news or current events
Attended an online class, meeting, or webinar
Found legal or consumer rights information
Found local information
Look up directions or transportation information
Check information about schools
Complete homework
Worked from home
Visit the library's website/use online library services (eBooks, audiobooks, research)
Communicated with friends and family members over email or social media
Watched videos, played games, or listened to music for entertainment
e-Government (DMV, voter registration, SNAP, unemployment, or other government services)
Overall, how satisfied were you with using the Library WiFi hotspot?
Do you have any suggestions for how the Library can improve the WiFi Hotspot service?
Please provide your 5-digit Zip Code
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered