AONTAS MAED Fund (Round 2) Survey – January 2022

Dear Member,

We would like to thank you for your continued collaboration and engagement with AONTAS in 2021. Whilst dealing with the challenging impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, AONTAS focused on delivering meaningful communication, learner and community-centred research, expanding capacity-building activities for members and effective advocacy for social and political change for the adult and community education sector.

As we begin a New Year we would like to hear from you about how we can build on this work and continue to effectively support our members, with the goal of working collectively to make educational equality a reality for all adults in 2022. 

Please take some time to complete this short survey which will help us understand the experience of community education centres in applying for and receiving round 2, made available in July 2021, of the Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage (MAED) fund.
Members who complete the survey by Friday, 18th February at 5pm will be entered into a draw with a chance of winning a 50 euro book voucher for your organisation.
(The information you give will be treated in confidence. Information will be held by AONTAS and then deleted in line with our GDPR policy. All information reported will remain anonymous. Participation in this survey is voluntary. You are free to skip any questions you do not want to answer or do not apply).
1.Please indicate that you have read and understood the above GDPR statement and that you agree to take part in this survey.
2.Name of community education group:
3.Are you an AONTAS member?
4.Did you apply for round 2 of the Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage fund?
5.How did you hear about the fund?
6.Through which ETB did you apply for the fund?
7.If your application was successful, how much funding did you receive?
8.Please list some activities/ purchases you made from this fund:
9.Which target groups were supported through the fund in your centre?
10.What proportion of your funding does the MAED fund make up?
11.From your perspective, what areas could be improved in the funding application and/or process?
12.If learners disengaged during the pandemic, was the MAED fund used to support them to re-engage?
13.AONTAS has heard many personal stories about the impact of the MAED fund. What wider benefits has the MAED fund had on your learners?
14.Are there learners (particular marginalised groups) who did not benefit from the fund or could not participate in an education programme during the pandemic?
15.Any other comments?
16.AONTAS is Ireland's National Adult Learning Organisation advocating for the right of all adults in Ireland to quality lifelong learning. Would you like to be contacted by AONTAS for further information?